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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#153) SadnessWillSear 99.62% 16,067.70pp 132,391,680,562 203 2,612 2,323
2 (#157) Alumetri 98.57% 16,057.40pp 24,516,071,268 55 787 784
3 (#196) AxewB 98.78% 15,585.90pp 68,423,204,946 77 1,396 1,444
4 (#219) Red_Pixel 99.10% 15,371.10pp 60,448,607,984 63 1,225 1,796
5 (#357) Vudek 98.66% 14,372.30pp 17,774,140,377 48 953 1,241
6 (#639) talala 98.73% 13,359.40pp 88,919,872,822 179 3,075 2,717
7 (#859) Ayla 98.99% 12,799.70pp 23,188,986,821 29 562 1,428
8 (#997) Haenes 99.04% 12,524.00pp 67,284,707,571 9 1,262 1,972
9 (#1,289) _index 98.76% 12,095.70pp 56,999,964,516 498 2,016 919
10 (#2,379) follon 99.03% 10,944.90pp 40,002,554,956 277 1,166 1,127
11 (#3,839) TemaZpro 99.99% 10,140.90pp 91,204,165,696 7,461 0 0
12 (#5,771) KortezR 99.14% 9,439.00pp 38,986,193,907 172 1,216 1,412
13 (#14,759) Morbon 98.65% 7,870.52pp 30,824,797,976 229 2,099 1,147
14 (#19,137) MrGoose 97.84% 7,437.13pp 10,904,228,476 272 828 1,335
15 (#23,280) Aka 99.21% 7,121.97pp 33,398,975,026 310 1,802 1,346
16 (#23,916) OneRing 98.86% 7,078.61pp 32,805,755,683 590 2,617 3,084
17 (#25,152) cillia 98.73% 6,996.00pp 12,416,234,205 23 429 781
18 (#30,602) Undead 98.11% 6,677.63pp 9,544,606,509 200 813 975
19 (#31,299) XEPCOH 98.98% 6,639.62pp 22,543,818,238 121 1,753 746
20 (#40,132) Rygamine 98.27% 6,234.81pp 14,583,300,339 6 592 848
21 (#62,162) Route 174 97.32% 5,516.51pp 6,249,883,088 15 278 430
22 (#63,359) ThankYou 98.36% 5,486.77pp 29,702,617,433 58 1,235 1,450
23 (#66,768) YaLTeR 99.23% 5,401.58pp 6,379,295,495 117 215 391
24 (#88,670) Nozdormu 98.19% 4,933.53pp 4,769,977,499 60 326 402
25 (#112,696) Kimitakari 98.95% 4,527.47pp 11,130,122,510 91 1,199 766
26 (#133,550) skvix 99.11% 4,224.30pp 1,183,015,896 29 162 85
27 (#173,612) Flexo123 98.17% 3,730.90pp 4,220,880,242 35 452 307
28 (#182,495) Lacrima 98.01% 3,637.52pp 3,285,817,144 59 187 492
29 (#252,587) Gordon123 98.78% 3,035.17pp 2,281,856,401 230 306 209
30 (#308,780) Meiju 97.33% 2,666.54pp 2,636,674,413 14 294 348
31 (#350,314) [ Mobi ] 97.55% 2,442.91pp 1,391,746,419 75 342 311
32 (#748,140) jekasa 97.68% 1,180.81pp 1,456,272,509 41 286 252
33 (#888,379) _Insomnia 87.11% 955.52pp 65,956,286 0 2 8
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