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Baja California

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#8,222) Franchini 99.68% 2,455.73pp 2,650,268,320 109 414 109
2 (#10,458) chiliawa52 99.24% 2,135.62pp 3,099,062,060 105 430 205
3 (#28,729) Ulis 99.46% 1,044.14pp 419,936,586 21 125 5
4 (#31,524) SaintSFT 99.56% 966.03pp 144,187,779 27 50 13
5 (#110,128) -Karu 97.84% 209.90pp 320,948,084 2 4 5
6 (#122,568) Mictia 97.27% 178.31pp 20,310,143 1 12 14
7 (#214,833) Kubrickz 95.95% 78.08pp 3,917,490 0 1 4
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