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Baja California

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#41,071) -Karu 97.06% 4,055.99pp 832,402,549 3 136 20
2 (#56,945) Franchini 95.86% 3,411.11pp 321,479,304 8 208 126
3 (#86,451) chiliawa52 95.03% 2,569.86pp 681,512,432 3 419 304
4 (#190,287) _vanity 94.39% 1,251.90pp 249,880,938 1 182 73
5 (#190,671) SaintSFT 94.76% 1,248.90pp 166,213,247 3 98 54
6 (#198,394) Monje 93.71% 1,192.43pp 153,350,704 2 93 55
7 (#212,877) chac2911 95.25% 1,096.10pp 653,127,976 1 485 207
8 (#372,516) SuperPoxie 92.29% 467.34pp 58,654,876 0 17 31
9 (#378,969) HoddieG 95.12% 451.54pp 153,629,719 34 103 7
10 (#648,479) Kubrickz 73.39% 95.70pp 13,148,081 0 2 2
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