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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#11,575) Blight-kun 99.44% 2,005.99pp 615,050,935 27 117 31
2 (#33,395) mochi on osu 99.60% 920.55pp 257,793,744 13 32 2
3 (#45,933) glitchtrrp 98.91% 672.03pp 74,452,938 7 38 16
4 (#48,633) DarrenOsu 98.69% 631.81pp 142,906,270 4 32 24
5 (#57,391) Saikie 98.31% 521.53pp 89,015,162 1 24 21
6 (#61,481) tzuchi 96.38% 479.72pp 33,203,396 0 9 14
7 (#290,550) erutobi 94.76% 52.77pp 6,212,522 1 1 3
8 (#443,337) Fused1376 91.18% 31.31pp 1,159,119 1 0 1
9 (#2,772,271) e m a n 81.31% 2.38pp 76,632 0 0 0
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