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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,609) Ero_ZeeK 98.93% 6,808.98pp 769,496,008 51 603 331
2 (#16,039) Blight-kun 95.77% 2,746.49pp 30,642,191 8 50 27
3 (#17,560) erutobi 93.11% 2,536.65pp 30,905,208 0 6 14
4 (#9,592) DesKurisu 96.59% 2,434.25pp 76,558,954 0 53 44
5 (#23,625) eggy 95.49% 1,902.51pp 45,741,218 1 32 52
6 (#37,984) glitchtrrp 97.42% 1,171.22pp 9,734,122 3 27 23
7 (#41,373) Saikie 96.64% 1,067.05pp 11,892,017 0 22 19
8 (#45,821) haz1q 97.92% 946.68pp 14,315,765 5 7 8
9 (#58,393) DarrenOsu 93.88% 700.34pp 12,459,221 2 8 16
10 (#121,951) Oskie 86.40% 226.72pp 1,479,413 0 2 2
11 (#130,685) e m a n 75.74% 202.08pp 1,055,785 0 0 2
12 (#490,359) Ui S 76.01% 17.64pp 324,220 0 0 0
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