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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#11,529) Bronzecrank 99.51% 2,007.93pp 980,534,514 69 320 91
2 (#25,075) Cychloryn 99.21% 1,169.56pp 223,368,271 8 71 37
3 (#29,313) Cytusine 99.32% 1,028.69pp 356,274,548 11 89 20
4 (#41,249) Twiggles 98.90% 751.32pp 37,754,267 10 30 8
5 (#68,402) Setizia 96.71% 417.02pp 36,444,788 0 10 27
6 (#75,009) vekt0r 95.41% 368.13pp 22,233,669 2 10 7
7 (#102,638) sampai_ 96.50% 233.79pp 8,427,069 1 5 7
8 (#107,154) cyancat 94.95% 218.78pp 19,329,702 2 7 22
9 (#354,619) mariok2rt 93.87% 40.97pp 3,014,794 0 1 2
10 (#1,008,876) l0rd_h3l1x 98.64% 11.11pp 385,762 0 1 0
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