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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,087) Cychloryn 99.07% 10,498.70pp 1,672,554,360 57 669 396
2 (#1,664) Bronzecrank 96.97% 9,200.36pp 2,792,288,484 12 933 996
3 (#2,507) vekt0r 97.95% 7,886.67pp 885,704,885 4 104 592
4 (#2,915) Twiggles 97.77% 7,444.76pp 658,662,819 2 58 492
5 (#4,743) sampai_ 97.90% 6,023.21pp 508,900,369 1 87 363
6 (#7,566) Cytusine 98.61% 4,740.45pp 183,404,348 9 169 98
7 (#12,975) Setizia 97.41% 3,269.28pp 115,257,845 1 38 109
8 (#34,292) My Wife Left 96.38% 1,305.12pp 13,351,659 0 15 25
9 (#52,020) daw9801 94.87% 811.46pp 6,834,352 0 6 11
10 (#75,303) Jon 87.42% 489.82pp 7,044,715 0 3 3
11 (#104,553) cyancat 86.38% 291.43pp 3,300,984 0 1 4
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