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Buenos Aires osu!Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,251) ValentinoArts 99.54% 5,376.25pp 25,254,139,502 2,949 3,208 777
2 (#2,341) Antito 99.13% 5,260.52pp 5,028,993,977 89 712 302
3 (#2,577) _Illustrious_ 100.00% 4,950.00pp 36,545,588,859 5,511 6 13
4 (#14,778) Jintsuu 99.70% 1,705.03pp 1,234,996,021 44 134 41
5 (#23,078) Midnaait 96.88% 1,246.54pp 307,650,056 4 32 62
6 (#76,237) Ag Sixto 96.95% 360.61pp 52,893,327 1 14 7
7 (#87,295) juanilp4evr 96.17% 298.37pp 32,691,859 2 12 16
8 (#94,913) tranqui 98.25% 264.09pp 21,494,886 4 11 2
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