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Buenos Aires osu!Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,907) tranqui 98.65% 10,595.30pp 46,495,627,036 101 1,133 2,596
2 (#2,957) N Y Q A 99.18% 10,567.00pp 41,738,136,452 547 1,489 1,501
3 (#3,254) Penguo 99.34% 10,407.80pp 73,943,972,328 210 2,252 2,354
4 (#3,984) Arua 98.22% 10,080.50pp 18,962,967,882 76 972 744
5 (#10,587) BTG4 98.58% 8,422.59pp 65,050,884,295 93 1,675 3,936
6 (#15,538) Darksonic 99.61% 7,783.96pp 54,113,263,758 1,926 3,734 185
7 (#31,559) _Illustrious_ 99.03% 6,626.48pp 8,388,905,233 799 895 542
8 (#101,171) Ag Sixto 99.32% 4,711.15pp 78,231,627,291 7,312 11,995 3,134
9 (#107,893) Jintsuu 99.38% 4,603.47pp 7,438,212,055 159 651 636
10 (#161,922) Midnaait 98.64% 3,861.69pp 2,024,421,521 48 166 512
11 (#168,971) juanilp4evr 97.52% 3,781.39pp 2,281,535,964 17 188 410
12 (#261,278) ValentinoArts 96.60% 2,972.28pp 10,777,586,128 291 2,177 781
13 (#1,087,985) Antito 89.61% 730.32pp 161,680,065 0 19 49
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