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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,741) Teezel 99.67% 4,775.91pp 6,001,930,184 156 590 161
2 (#3,341) AngelXC 99.37% 4,231.85pp 3,740,017,311 79 565 73
3 (#6,095) Greninja 99.61% 2,926.62pp 1,342,556,190 80 234 71
4 (#7,347) DeltaZero 99.17% 2,616.35pp 1,223,680,520 44 207 139
5 (#8,989) Komm 99.52% 2,335.25pp 1,056,059,186 56 236 29
6 (#15,384) BlitzNexus 99.62% 1,660.83pp 332,496,896 20 114 25
7 (#17,664) Bubbleman 99.86% 1,510.05pp 682,091,932 244 28 56
8 (#35,261) CurryMuncher 99.38% 876.35pp 144,379,630 22 81 11
9 (#35,703) hlanden 99.57% 866.10pp 341,403,319 9 127 3
10 (#40,046) Kasterune 98.86% 775.29pp 570,070,410 0 126 104
11 (#62,705) Jam 98.13% 467.86pp 104,604,492 6 17 45
12 (#70,947) MaypleFlower 98.06% 398.11pp 22,229,835 0 12 3
13 (#75,439) Zaspar 96.14% 365.79pp 25,236,798 10 4 6
14 (#103,789) wimble 94.27% 230.32pp 6,259,218 0 2 9
15 (#127,104) Clarz 94.93% 169.13pp 15,376,841 0 8 1
16 (#159,727) flubb 99.26% 119.34pp 5,520,065 2 4 0
17 (#167,424) Geem 95.58% 111.23pp 8,179,277 1 3 3
18 (#236,097) Kyoulu 90.94% 68.97pp 5,012,276 0 0 2
19 (#242,986) Spoooods 95.87% 66.43pp 4,684,704 0 2 2
20 (#520,922) nati20627 96.35% 25.76pp 3,178,452 0 1 1
21 (#775,001) devinejosh10 99.09% 15.75pp 118,502 0 1 0
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