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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#678) Teezel 98.72% 11,668.50pp 2,605,589,960 270 1,639 175
2 (#5,326) Komm 98.80% 5,716.94pp 727,221,876 46 607 370
3 (#11,665) Greninja 98.09% 3,546.47pp 208,064,522 15 199 104
4 (#13,230) Stealer-kun 99.33% 3,222.86pp 171,021,096 29 193 133
5 (#15,418) NoliH 96.95% 2,837.47pp 225,090,842 15 407 132
6 (#18,670) wimble 94.65% 2,394.23pp 47,290,106 0 16 38
7 (#21,539) Zaspar 97.40% 2,083.65pp 60,976,539 8 68 63
8 (#29,622) hlanden 97.24% 1,522.97pp 27,747,978 2 64 34
9 (#32,553) AngelXC 97.99% 1,380.87pp 23,663,870 4 47 30
10 (#34,386) MaypleFlower 97.65% 1,302.57pp 15,649,187 9 49 13
11 (#34,533) Kasterune 96.06% 1,296.17pp 44,567,651 0 35 57
12 (#36,186) BlitzNexus 97.22% 1,235.32pp 19,164,146 4 43 25
13 (#43,571) mindmaster107 89.77% 1,005.49pp 12,921,909 1 3 9
14 (#43,670) flubb 96.22% 1,003.11pp 7,937,453 0 33 4
15 (#51,756) Jam 93.73% 818.01pp 12,544,030 2 12 14
16 (#57,462) devinejosh10 92.71% 715.54pp 6,858,477 0 8 9
17 (#59,424) Clarz 95.14% 684.95pp 3,918,393 0 7 8
18 (#62,400) CurryMuncher 96.97% 640.71pp 4,645,248 2 29 6
19 (#75,657) WoodMeister 92.03% 486.54pp 3,820,764 0 2 12
20 (#82,961) Spoooods 91.31% 421.70pp 3,412,728 0 1 2
21 (#102,301) furytail 85.85% 302.02pp 3,002,091 0 0 1
22 (#207,743) Drpringle777 79.44% 92.38pp 700,478 0 0 1
23 (#258,632) N i c o 89.29% 62.93pp 561,435 0 0 1
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