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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
151 (#33,591) Reikocchi 98.85% 6,537.30pp 32,521,776,520 68 1,261 1,593
152 (#34,880) ksg 99.27% 6,475.36pp 45,966,152,261 460 2,770 1,659
153 (#38,500) Leinou 99.04% 6,313.10pp 21,008,378,249 610 1,628 2,164
154 (#38,596) Dilectus 98.75% 6,309.36pp 14,015,914,178 334 1,480 1,040
155 (#39,917) Crazzeh 98.06% 6,255.32pp 5,379,804,635 35 403 550
156 (#40,571) My AngeI Amogus 99.36% 6,228.80pp 95,659,469,487 5,521 12,592 5,708
157 (#42,294) TraxieChan 98.41% 6,159.27pp 13,264,474,444 4 618 609
158 (#42,551) Groex 99.20% 6,150.61pp 12,291,094,477 139 1,068 827
159 (#43,062) JSELENABELIEBER 98.41% 6,131.71pp 10,071,237,182 81 565 328
160 (#43,197) Huukkeli 99.08% 6,126.70pp 19,277,787,685 112 1,512 903
161 (#45,665) Ash Ketchum 98.20% 6,035.73pp 7,114,321,981 55 441 807
162 (#47,371) TimG 98.70% 5,977.02pp 27,722,385,477 168 1,509 1,431
163 (#48,623) Booze 98.51% 5,934.03pp 35,063,444,737 152 1,629 2,759
164 (#50,585) MyAngelAwsumi 98.02% 5,867.02pp 4,602,210,144 7 132 274
165 (#50,894) Antti 98.91% 5,857.16pp 5,178,130,692 128 399 291
166 (#51,026) Rilox 98.22% 5,852.53pp 12,560,291,149 24 493 425
167 (#55,334) NamesAreRubbish 98.11% 5,719.34pp 19,658,597,687 34 833 2,194
168 (#56,561) Lemmie 98.94% 5,685.29pp 5,303,007,229 82 516 758
169 (#62,648) Setomi 98.84% 5,515.63pp 8,609,061,759 20 307 660
170 (#62,735) mybox 98.74% 5,513.22pp 8,305,997,975 78 744 892
171 (#68,460) Osdare 98.81% 5,371.17pp 23,601,601,727 124 1,683 2,034
172 (#69,130) Endroma 97.91% 5,355.64pp 10,640,929,120 12 862 456
173 (#70,781) Gumpy 98.92% 5,317.44pp 16,301,187,196 159 1,414 1,224
174 (#73,653) Tsukani 98.75% 5,253.40pp 3,633,599,150 123 456 375
175 (#76,525) hypnoSpirA 98.90% 5,190.16pp 18,284,338,458 338 943 2,555
176 (#76,871) EclipZ 98.08% 5,182.50pp 12,288,844,918 60 667 904
177 (#80,255) FDietz 98.51% 5,108.73pp 7,973,996,451 22 638 1,529
178 (#81,221) Crustbell 99.00% 5,089.56pp 13,369,563,611 124 861 1,775
179 (#85,788) duski 99.69% 4,997.46pp 3,677,172,381 287 425 330
180 (#86,635) Shameimaru 98.72% 4,981.80pp 3,926,962,737 47 234 293
181 (#86,923) Cyfer 97.51% 4,976.14pp 4,431,392,862 0 165 300
182 (#87,186) wwwwwwwww 99.44% 4,971.70pp 119,654,069,355 4,269 11,973 10,880
183 (#87,318) Kaare 98.87% 4,968.66pp 12,058,553,987 45 509 922
184 (#99,900) _Johan 99.18% 4,744.51pp 12,377,493,497 260 1,604 838
185 (#101,206) Vendelicious 98.77% 4,722.67pp 2,258,245,434 61 113 401
186 (#105,305) syysmyrsky 98.69% 4,654.66pp 3,680,274,447 33 294 585
187 (#105,917) Raphalge 98.98% 4,645.54pp 6,124,828,222 62 306 945
188 (#109,324) Camopoltergeist 98.98% 4,591.32pp 9,203,958,647 17 282 963
189 (#110,568) -Kaguya 98.31% 4,572.23pp 1,091,172,581 7 58 197
190 (#116,604) Sutsuka 98.89% 4,478.48pp 39,999,962,285 1,407 5,987 92
191 (#117,956) Azeidith 99.13% 4,458.69pp 4,835,775,725 16 139 826
192 (#118,514) Dusalty 98.74% 4,450.88pp 106,430,965,683 3,182 10,542 6,921
193 (#124,329) Ormr 97.22% 4,365.60pp 5,815,119,218 20 640 445
194 (#129,274) GamersDecision 99.17% 4,294.52pp 3,179,547,003 82 427 241
195 (#131,792) -Melon 97.26% 4,260.34pp 2,233,440,933 16 297 267
196 (#132,388) Wehus 97.64% 4,251.82pp 1,612,065,022 95 203 196
197 (#134,785) Psychicpsycho 99.99% 4,218.44pp 18,226,270,257 12,409 54 6
198 (#136,009) 1794766 99.40% 4,202.09pp 12,960,811,324 583 1,161 992
199 (#137,460) CyCeph 98.64% 4,182.24pp 4,060,957,985 179 635 515
200 (#151,311) Aatu 98.40% 4,002.35pp 2,767,326,859 18 243 450
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