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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#173) Sadcat 96.27% 15,962.70pp 1,486,533,603 53 1,275 275
2 (#295) erased self 96.45% 14,743.10pp 2,392,923,798 97 2,127 339
3 (#307) Fritte 96.61% 14,595.60pp 3,282,052,429 408 2,781 267
4 (#308) -Melon 96.22% 14,592.50pp 1,817,262,139 231 1,560 205
5 (#341) Stoom 95.50% 14,377.60pp 2,471,291,785 156 1,975 556
6 (#356) masaya 96.54% 14,237.40pp 6,280,467,772 163 5,934 436
7 (#359) Endroma 96.10% 14,224.60pp 2,134,434,646 21 2,249 74
8 (#372) Maffe 95.55% 14,170.10pp 1,290,331,392 4 1,175 274
9 (#459) Lyuna 96.43% 13,616.60pp 1,799,934,953 62 1,607 231
10 (#654) Lemmie 97.63% 12,847.80pp 2,117,049,399 1,070 955 154
11 (#668) Craty 96.23% 12,807.00pp 1,631,910,972 60 1,380 311
12 (#740) [RS] F4st 94.86% 12,631.80pp 5,507,960,223 874 4,452 515
13 (#920) Strachy 97.77% 12,132.30pp 2,072,269,704 806 1,207 111
14 (#1,107) walteir 95.77% 11,758.30pp 1,489,516,966 35 1,482 189
15 (#1,132) Jole 96.17% 11,706.00pp 1,468,442,365 154 1,294 162
16 (#1,147) Parinya 97.10% 11,672.90pp 1,348,119,380 28 1,245 228
17 (#1,160) Vortex- 96.09% 11,640.00pp 554,435,396 16 478 126
18 (#1,254) Crazzeh 96.28% 11,466.40pp 4,574,348,256 1,249 3,318 247
19 (#1,709) Optane 94.74% 10,830.20pp 1,770,971,710 8 1,114 575
20 (#1,735) hydrofurious 96.83% 10,800.30pp 1,789,559,601 114 1,690 131
21 (#1,949) Couil 97.27% 10,585.10pp 2,133,500,621 243 1,716 300
22 (#2,036) marui 96.21% 10,502.70pp 253,115,832 0 239 42
23 (#2,328) Huukkeli 95.18% 10,247.10pp 6,243,862,178 1,546 4,465 787
24 (#2,334) Hennytai 97.25% 10,242.10pp 1,362,546,014 29 1,162 278
25 (#2,558) Mazzuli500 95.54% 10,070.50pp 2,481,734,787 99 2,006 384
26 (#2,651) JSELENABELIEBER 96.18% 10,005.20pp 1,194,596,241 85 1,067 113
27 (#3,195) Demane 96.14% 9,622.01pp 1,251,085,994 82 1,136 102
28 (#3,243) Moofy 96.86% 9,586.39pp 1,689,323,312 30 1,316 365
29 (#3,526) Staiain 96.91% 9,424.64pp 1,440,100,240 102 1,336 157
30 (#3,527) Xytox 97.65% 9,423.59pp 923,315,381 35 890 81
31 (#3,703) Saunaklonkku 96.55% 9,323.61pp 846,829,928 32 696 197
32 (#3,878) Crustbell 96.45% 9,223.13pp 3,951,386,241 703 2,948 368
33 (#4,310) [RS] Mart 97.91% 9,012.47pp 1,393,567,026 114 1,003 375
34 (#6,251) [RS] Freddy 95.94% 8,217.88pp 2,808,147,948 75 2,049 849
35 (#7,685) Tailsdk 95.15% 7,746.58pp 4,242,797,867 672 3,425 382
36 (#7,826) giraray 97.38% 7,710.08pp 998,771,077 209 767 48
37 (#8,063) Camopoltergeist 96.89% 7,649.27pp 2,002,071,551 588 1,353 158
38 (#8,094) KarlF 96.44% 7,643.03pp 5,464,738,903 1,814 3,482 445
39 (#11,489) -Akemi 95.95% 6,808.77pp 1,246,258,656 92 1,035 226
40 (#11,734) NamesAreRubbish 95.16% 6,757.43pp 1,312,457,761 55 1,230 123
41 (#11,871) nnobel 95.69% 6,726.16pp 1,046,814,463 6 894 209
42 (#12,873) Groex 95.87% 6,522.05pp 1,278,646,453 11 1,223 204
43 (#13,485) -Vexy 96.41% 6,403.20pp 1,949,565,922 120 1,687 295
44 (#15,724) Amanda 95.47% 6,038.91pp 1,310,915,494 4 999 334
45 (#18,044) sd enjoyer 96.09% 5,714.09pp 617,611,394 10 507 199
46 (#19,461) living yell 94.46% 5,543.28pp 2,032,081,049 278 1,466 375
47 (#19,698) Captain 96.72% 5,515.41pp 807,691,968 11 744 185
48 (#20,113) manok 97.25% 5,469.71pp 1,225,814,633 39 1,013 213
49 (#21,366) Mastermile 97.23% 5,340.72pp 3,559,145,712 542 2,749 436
50 (#22,523) MyAngelAwsumi 95.40% 5,222.28pp 761,163,415 17 619 169
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