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#1 total pp from each country idk

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 (#85,202) jDoce12 98.29% 5,000.71pp 4,658,837,219 34 329 827
52 (#112,845) Kimitakari 98.95% 4,527.47pp 11,130,122,510 91 1,199 766
53 (#117,824) gal1 98.59% 4,452.52pp 5,342,917,949 21 271 567
54 (#152,732) Hana Yukiko 93.17% 3,974.54pp 2,013,601,383 12 153 264
55 (#154,144) Sparxe 98.81% 3,956.36pp 3,529,546,839 59 395 183
56 (#170,592) TaikoWorldCup 97.89% 3,766.09pp 5,154,724,756 51 392 746
57 (#228,470) Bunnrei 98.82% 3,224.14pp 791,429,330 19 74 145
58 (#309,134) Gersonfull 99.22% 2,666.62pp 1,732,144,121 225 367 423
59 (#328,208) Rodrig0v 98.02% 2,559.97pp 912,234,969 7 92 136
60 (#377,014) -Ken 98.48% 2,314.81pp 696,770,915 103 188 310
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