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#1 total pp from each country idk

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Motion 97.65% 58,775.29pp 157,019,013,225 1,689 4,969 1,156
2 Snowwind 97.78% 44,135.01pp 77,662,338,493 3,261 5,568 1,916
3 Crystal 97.63% 42,636.83pp 275,981,068,842 3,921 11,465 2,894
4 -DEVN 96.54% 42,170.89pp 32,246,983,194 23 1,255 2,164
5 BossPlays 98.32% 41,540.55pp 52,898,287,837 1,111 3,423 2,526
6 Captain 98.17% 37,992.59pp 144,905,832,723 1,615 4,921 1,855
7 awdse22 97.70% 37,882.28pp 27,410,709,512 382 4,485 2,985
8 Dawt 97.56% 37,755.89pp 18,454,686,295 579 2,211 478
9 ZYuan 97.36% 36,932.79pp 16,168,908,779 788 3,624 1,132
10 Groex 97.62% 36,566.33pp 155,510,859,852 2,063 4,312 1,264
11 Bunnrei 97.69% 35,642.05pp 81,483,850,810 913 2,402 466
12 Unlucky_w 98.14% 34,698.56pp 107,469,386,885 5,183 6,515 841
13 Aryssiel 97.11% 34,604.47pp 95,120,140,883 2,413 4,180 1,257
14 Coreanmaluco 97.71% 34,456.12pp 169,833,826,323 1,620 8,171 3,701
15 Umbre 97.04% 34,226.91pp 105,261,011,571 558 4,064 3,644
16 Dream Fire 97.70% 34,113.51pp 15,283,108,644 270 1,722 1,056
17 Shakti 97.33% 33,553.82pp 23,473,227,499 243 2,652 1,570
18 _aphantasia 96.90% 33,107.92pp 13,871,759,815 174 1,169 1,114
19 Applequestria 97.28% 32,519.74pp 52,126,156,865 4,876 5,613 4,382
20 CrewK fanboy 98.03% 32,338.66pp 6,677,365,291 170 1,118 562
21 Chatie 97.84% 32,132.15pp 90,601,531,089 2,725 5,231 2,623
22 Xytox 98.09% 31,877.94pp 72,668,205,012 505 4,113 2,073
23 Hana Yukiko 96.27% 31,069.44pp 28,280,915,899 221 1,991 1,052
24 Nelly 98.06% 30,472.71pp 175,485,281,343 5,023 4,999 1,035
25 Daletto 97.71% 30,391.14pp 116,123,094,945 2,273 3,960 765
26 9MlCE 96.54% 30,296.17pp 51,349,754,336 38 1,124 1,796
27 Camme79 97.36% 29,992.60pp 65,630,597,040 484 2,012 1,048
28 Ash Ketchum 96.36% 29,908.18pp 56,075,118,515 424 2,259 1,364
29 TaikoWorldCup 97.41% 29,747.61pp 18,986,956,771 72 4,476 4,143
30 Genjuro 97.95% 28,857.22pp 56,632,494,339 1,603 7,391 8,545
31 WaShoy 97.91% 28,078.90pp 189,214,832,394 1,244 10,041 8,611
32 EnigmaIsBoss 97.35% 28,077.92pp 18,732,209,603 119 1,456 1,747
33 MrGoose 97.68% 27,876.81pp 27,916,241,365 561 2,996 1,928
34 FGSky 96.27% 27,851.62pp 25,159,124,798 131 1,441 1,263
35 [ Zhiend ] 97.60% 27,846.61pp 65,684,342,728 448 3,371 2,084
36 Rashod 97.67% 27,829.41pp 63,529,444,745 1,068 4,497 2,893
37 Netamaru 98.38% 27,317.02pp 70,521,148,857 502 1,521 115
38 Sparxe 97.67% 26,806.86pp 9,263,119,491 417 3,465 641
39 Maffe 96.78% 26,094.10pp 34,375,230,848 106 2,327 1,940
40 JDS20 96.19% 25,489.47pp 18,969,798,693 175 3,070 2,119
41 Astrea 97.71% 25,286.12pp 47,192,620,561 391 2,818 1,164
42 Korglif 98.07% 25,116.06pp 48,596,221,387 721 3,282 743
43 L e n 97.65% 25,043.50pp 24,990,815,790 213 1,083 1,345
44 XEPCOH 99.38% 24,705.19pp 63,202,804,439 1,105 4,850 2,779
45 lepinja77 97.64% 24,626.57pp 183,641,396,498 3,184 10,003 4,306
46 SrChispa 96.91% 24,421.58pp 54,351,203,615 143 2,002 1,288
47 Rebo 97.34% 23,732.50pp 86,208,308,174 191 2,360 2,973
48 gal1 97.68% 23,696.15pp 67,263,395,012 688 2,155 827
49 Makou 98.42% 23,223.74pp 61,205,173,086 1,312 6,279 3,276
50 Gersonfull 96.54% 21,254.15pp 82,284,577,546 3,958 5,086 954
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