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Zawadiaki DKL'a

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,155) Veron 99.24% 12,307.40pp 32,874,159,438 91 734 780
2 (#2,987) wojexe 98.47% 10,551.90pp 24,161,145,297 58 775 1,385
3 (#8,050) Placek21 98.25% 8,864.38pp 18,503,637,954 355 1,427 939
4 (#12,708) Neeflez 97.82% 8,128.81pp 20,657,795,586 23 646 1,717
5 (#146,065) Justin14p 98.80% 4,059.56pp 4,298,777,797 32 338 532
6 (#166,014) wbatek 98.83% 3,816.90pp 2,826,021,206 109 511 427
7 (#517,962) paprotkaaaa 91.53% 1,755.26pp 3,683,027,215 39 373 364
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