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Zawadiaki DKL'a

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#8,348) paprotkaaaa 98.90% 2,433.05pp 491,620,894 14 110 120
2 (#17,703) Placek21 99.58% 1,505.78pp 213,981,573 70 130 8
3 (#83,676) Neeflez 93.65% 315.89pp 18,813,840 1 9 5
4 (#137,882) Justin14p 95.10% 149.25pp 6,017,996 1 1 4
5 (#586,760) wojexe 89.58% 22.25pp 1,749,592 0 0 1
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