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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#37,649) Playboi Carti 98.05% 6,338.33pp 6,547,236,010 8 194 410
2 (#52,572) Alter- 98.48% 5,792.46pp 9,314,416,709 74 819 855
3 (#82,866) ElectroYan 98.07% 5,046.11pp 17,594,652,631 108 1,021 1,202
4 (#105,874) Verald 99.00% 4,636.37pp 4,527,039,751 42 287 633
5 (#126,395) lunaboom 99.02% 4,324.14pp 8,623,528,186 58 416 1,124
6 (#131,023) -Melon 97.26% 4,260.34pp 2,233,440,933 16 297 267
7 (#146,290) shinitaichan 98.66% 4,055.15pp 62,687,918,546 1,572 6,244 5,335
8 (#171,936) CharlisMadCut 98.40% 3,750.08pp 5,173,555,920 10 308 647
9 (#173,648) Flexo123 98.17% 3,730.90pp 4,220,880,242 35 452 307
10 (#481,669) raman_s 95.18% 1,878.49pp 616,081,685 0 55 95
11 (#512,590) yahweh 95.81% 1,771.59pp 619,042,694 21 141 137
12 (#545,600) Ery 92.95% 1,664.68pp 308,698,165 1 10 72
13 (#546,901) Sadcat 93.35% 1,661.35pp 230,887,771 2 46 50
14 (#551,474) Freek 95.68% 1,647.72pp 2,412,458,896 14 244 346
15 (#557,644) Adri 97.77% 1,629.27pp 851,834,629 189 204 196
16 (#668,142) Exilfaker 96.52% 1,345.96pp 1,000,609,087 3 87 254
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