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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,006) shinitaichan 99.50% 8,015.49pp 217,276,481,605 8,933 14,414 2,410
2 (#3,687) Playboi Carti 99.03% 3,987.96pp 2,245,304,881 17 264 225
3 (#5,309) ElectroYan 99.68% 3,202.23pp 6,365,707,145 203 798 313
4 (#5,327) Alter- 99.66% 3,195.28pp 3,966,501,228 56 406 83
5 (#8,743) yahweh 99.14% 2,369.94pp 375,610,328 37 102 65
6 (#13,307) Exilfaker 99.11% 1,825.89pp 2,006,477,314 54 408 68
7 (#14,654) nadavv 99.90% 1,713.20pp 959,670,742 310 12 1
8 (#17,650) Adri 99.29% 1,509.61pp 453,911,903 156 91 69
9 (#19,816) Flexo123 100.00% 1,393.70pp 611,698,065 441 0 0
10 (#23,359) Vygatron 99.53% 1,233.78pp 207,068,825 25 76 33
11 (#34,236) Sadcat 97.50% 899.79pp 77,159,940 4 25 36
12 (#41,418) CharlisMadCut 98.27% 748.11pp 287,952,177 4 72 100
13 (#43,656) Optane 97.10% 709.61pp 111,219,619 2 12 55
14 (#65,888) Verald 98.34% 438.57pp 76,802,073 6 18 16
15 (#906,714) raman_s 88.18% 12.81pp 392,980 0 0 1
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