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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#222) Stoof 99.38% 15,348.10pp 68,922,418,862 104 1,190 1,870
2 (#8,264) catbong 98.70% 8,818.83pp 34,406,131,008 203 1,516 3,408
3 (#116,290) Sparhten 97.69% 4,475.03pp 5,630,552,198 9 376 424
4 (#413,291) fuhie 94.37% 2,151.25pp 527,353,831 11 86 95
5 (#2,076,294) vacri 97.58% 219.78pp 22,597,874 9 13 3
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