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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#762) Pein 99.34% 13,061.80pp 114,315,387,117 809 3,463 2,459
2 (#7,652) [ Bimbo ] 99.02% 8,947.02pp 35,450,270,849 65 484 1,337
3 (#20,691) -Abby- 99.20% 7,315.74pp 49,893,583,853 3,385 2,804 1,396
4 (#121,515) ZALUK 98.09% 4,398.26pp 6,646,643,496 21 356 683
5 (#403,654) TuMamaXLasDudas 98.44% 2,193.26pp 1,056,982,282 20 132 274
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