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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Pein 99.16% 14,668.69pp 114,659,828,332 828 3,584 2,507
2 ZALUK 96.71% 9,904.23pp 7,272,572,390 25 709 936
3 [ Bimbo ] 94.53% 9,379.93pp 35,391,631,598 69 495 1,341
4 -Abby- 97.64% 8,702.32pp 50,070,148,704 3,466 2,987 1,409
5 TuMamaXLasDudas 91.44% 2,349.42pp 1,057,993,227 20 132 276
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