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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 SrChispa 96.91% 24,421.58pp 54,526,997,988 146 2,026 1,291
2 Etsu 97.39% 17,929.69pp 24,442,931,941 1,295 3,719 461
3 Gamelan4 95.94% 17,763.32pp 4,055,235,580 38 764 868
4 Gato2499 97.97% 17,015.06pp 13,532,795,185 2,533 816 27
5 victor7w7r 99.67% 13,163.80pp 5,707,561,163 1,622 966 45
6 -Reo 94.53% 12,482.10pp 1,215,587,061 9 754 392
7 MicroRocket 99.69% 8,831.14pp 22,700,429,128 121 1,471 742
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