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Zawadiaki DKL'a

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,544) Veron 99.20% 12,176.50pp 33,045,596,332 95 713 889
2 (#3,864) wojexe 98.39% 10,472.70pp 24,196,208,944 59 740 1,660
3 (#8,690) Placek21 97.38% 9,006.21pp 19,959,672,679 368 1,423 1,366
4 (#12,758) Neeflez 97.79% 8,345.14pp 21,343,278,184 24 618 2,171
5 (#139,979) Justin14p 98.63% 4,113.66pp 4,320,204,549 34 315 697
6 (#318,529) paprotkaaaa 91.23% 2,558.63pp 3,683,027,215 0 4 44
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