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Brazil TOP 50

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#234) Coreanmaluco 98.62% 15,889.50pp 165,702,905,880 1,454 6,655 3,771
2 (#244) Dropinx 98.17% 15,768.80pp 72,375,148,241 404 2,165 2,407
3 (#596) dasdwqdf 98.76% 13,995.50pp 89,983,690,650 839 3,612 1,883
4 (#1,096) Mystia 98.67% 12,869.30pp 53,706,009,667 276 1,268 1,999
5 (#1,699) Ideal 98.38% 12,000.90pp 43,914,511,574 108 1,884 1,920
6 (#3,299) Sickoh 98.69% 10,761.60pp 25,825,048,554 62 754 1,035
7 (#4,372) Gaiava 98.66% 10,257.30pp 30,659,758,438 49 1,713 2,153
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