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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#560) Dawt 96.17% 13,179.90pp 1,633,018,084 5 1,591 126
2 (#9,232) YouTube Video 97.02% 7,390.93pp 1,638,725,890 1 1,597 159
3 (#35,726) nanawo 96.74% 4,278.70pp 339,318,117 0 250 97
4 (#185,912) Vespirit 95.61% 1,078.82pp 150,826,668 65 66 33
5 (#133,181) Yuuki-chan 96.56% 353.16pp 57,082,454 6 37 6
6 (#890,395) PayneTrain 73.55% 0.25pp 404,344 0 0 0
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