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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Dawt 98.01% 27,290.50pp 8,429,177,508 112 1,889 195
2 nanawo 97.26% 19,781.10pp 49,334,950,052 117 1,059 2,248
3 Vespirit 97.26% 15,567.34pp 101,168,320,190 4,097 4,901 1,645
4 Lane 99.09% 13,679.10pp 81,841,854,277 87 1,610 3,984
5 Sepid 99.21% 12,931.40pp 48,246,587,353 113 1,383 1,201
6 Bae Suzy 98.94% 10,727.80pp 12,905,833,714 63 340 490
7 mahloola 99.00% 10,653.70pp 58,585,466,845 146 1,631 3,265
8 Yuuki-chan 94.35% 10,604.72pp 42,379,564,182 145 1,151 1,496
9 PayneTrain 81.28% 9,791.99pp 56,449,444,549 103 1,341 2,548
10 YouTube Video 94.30% 9,001.57pp 2,702,569,332 1 1,669 500
11 Redstone 99.62% 7,074.53pp 11,978,156,704 156 723 387
12 Sheeto 97.27% 5,030.27pp 7,128,988,639 62 892 1,541
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