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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Hctbi 99.12% 10,229.80pp 30,103,973,550 23 486 1,434
2 Niya69 94.30% 8,281.46pp 2,924,555,303 76 323 432
3 LordOfPao 87.37% 8,008.84pp 49,462,153,991 116 2,427 1,851
4 noomloof 95.89% 7,616.59pp 14,572,461,698 35 570 2,077
5 JapaneseGuy 96.63% 7,235.53pp 6,435,334,082 93 515 718
6 reekted 98.46% 7,183.58pp 18,050,066,537 19 478 1,132
7 LeyDrenu 98.85% 6,723.76pp 10,822,477,996 20 390 853
8 PlayPen 98.85% 6,449.98pp 11,406,073,199 51 839 1,197
9 Strikke 98.76% 6,247.75pp 2,722,553,469 49 272 262
10 Horzon 99.94% 6,221.89pp 11,513,856,034 1,343 270 796
11 Downslide 96.47% 6,027.61pp 12,714,120,659 63 1,123 898
12 AzureMist 98.59% 5,865.99pp 18,257,121,317 26 769 1,619
13 - Kawan 99.41% 5,776.96pp 5,159,324,974 84 335 444
14 JannerBr 99.05% 5,329.98pp 8,690,488,770 75 563 1,813
15 leoctotti 97.37% 5,276.78pp 2,496,552,023 4 171 475
16 DemiGD 99.10% 5,027.14pp 13,231,435,461 17 505 2,306
17 germancanolover 97.95% 4,729.60pp 3,184,725,806 17 222 562
18 AizYz 97.70% 4,582.95pp 6,712,565,776 2 195 1,296
19 Nukll 90.14% 1,444.35pp 471,237,487 3 55 95
20 OLuffyP 29.89% 0.00pp 1,414,326 0 0 0
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