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Buenos Aires osu!Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#296) Midnaait 99.08% 13,704.80pp 4,441,256,002 486 2,183 1,297
2 (#298) _Illustrious_ 97.99% 13,698.60pp 2,097,936,752 66 984 355
3 (#1,216) Jintsuu 99.55% 9,936.71pp 3,279,448,996 1,888 2,079 54
4 (#1,769) juanilp4evr 98.18% 8,638.31pp 717,358,050 2 181 415
5 (#6,762) ESTER HABFARM 98.03% 4,414.49pp 528,290,950 62 619 466
6 (#162,325) Penguo 87.04% 190.31pp 1,064,973 0 5 2
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