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Buenos Aires osu!Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,097) Penguo 99.35% 10,887.10pp 76,609,097,097 292 2,197 2,793
2 (#3,288) N Y Q A 99.13% 10,768.10pp 41,738,136,452 546 1,479 1,606
3 (#3,531) tranqui 98.52% 10,640.50pp 46,617,172,131 102 1,098 3,015
4 (#4,972) Arua 98.06% 10,044.20pp 19,605,930,299 82 930 915
5 (#8,224) BTG4 98.44% 9,105.40pp 67,361,852,641 95 1,652 4,848
6 (#15,972) Darksonic 99.55% 7,943.33pp 54,113,263,758 1,923 3,727 195
7 (#19,966) _Illustrious_ 99.16% 7,545.49pp 10,434,748,471 820 959 714
8 (#99,191) Ag Sixto 99.45% 4,768.97pp 101,272,100,491 9,508 14,769 3,733
9 (#250,395) ESTER HABFARM 96.38% 2,998.56pp 10,796,221,315 291 2,009 1,170
10 (#863,927) Antito 86.85% 852.56pp 161,680,065 0 11 61
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