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Buenos Aires osu!Leaderboard

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 _Illustrious_ 97.23% 27,044.62pp 48,703,390,322 6,456 1,968 821
2 juanilp4evr 96.53% 16,669.10pp 3,227,453,115 23 518 752
3 Jintsuu 99.57% 16,538.06pp 11,909,731,032 2,061 2,840 715
4 ValentinoArts 96.89% 14,382.24pp 37,181,136,455 3,362 6,250 2,048
5 N Y Q A 96.47% 11,973.80pp 41,853,311,991 548 1,566 1,543
6 tranqui 98.45% 10,859.39pp 46,517,121,922 105 1,144 2,598
7 Penguo 89.55% 10,598.11pp 74,177,494,723 236 2,324 2,391
8 Arua 98.23% 10,083.90pp 19,426,654,100 76 975 756
9 Antito 93.56% 8,629.33pp 5,319,375,943 91 768 408
10 BTG4 98.58% 8,422.59pp 65,123,613,887 93 1,675 3,943
11 Darksonic 99.61% 7,783.96pp 54,113,263,758 1,926 3,734 185
12 Midnaait 97.76% 5,108.23pp 2,332,071,577 52 198 574
13 Ag Sixto 98.13% 5,072.72pp 86,466,066,608 8,016 13,026 3,178
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