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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Nathanial 98.46% 52,786.36pp 20,924,262,110 248 2,152 918
2 sd enjoyer 96.34% 40,496.50pp 50,482,088,231 1,627 2,675 1,914
3 Electr0o 97.39% 36,489.22pp 124,812,879,374 313 4,144 2,818
4 Groex 97.63% 36,105.16pp 156,793,979,155 2,061 4,317 1,641
5 Ttobas 98.02% 35,139.42pp 110,462,253,576 2,114 3,394 683
6 masterpiece 97.95% 34,794.24pp 62,045,712,178 189 1,599 1,902
7 AgentYous 98.02% 34,276.60pp 66,122,700,672 2,583 6,267 2,947
8 Lume 96.21% 33,963.83pp 125,623,171,670 591 3,506 2,915
9 _aphantasia 96.89% 32,733.66pp 13,979,490,781 174 1,107 1,339
10 Setomi 97.88% 32,095.54pp 86,174,528,204 792 2,673 1,783
11 Chatie 97.88% 31,830.17pp 90,613,814,279 2,683 5,143 3,150
12 Veeti 97.57% 31,193.85pp 309,636,245,271 10,114 5,275 1,120
13 Daletto 97.73% 31,058.67pp 120,961,939,253 2,326 3,915 1,008
14 -Kaguya 97.82% 30,988.06pp 57,034,531,945 434 1,170 454
15 madcin 97.60% 30,594.67pp 204,925,325,722 8,201 6,517 2,418
16 Nelly 98.10% 30,515.21pp 199,197,786,144 6,190 5,231 1,247
17 HydriZ 96.75% 30,452.73pp 81,073,723,470 3,899 3,155 3,018
18 Camme79 97.33% 30,205.30pp 66,735,510,700 471 2,025 1,189
19 Blue Vaporous 98.01% 30,179.38pp 56,714,637,859 664 2,656 1,097
20 Leinou 96.98% 29,925.47pp 228,515,414,743 6,569 9,125 3,787
21 Stardust Prism 97.41% 29,049.65pp 90,109,506,495 1,020 3,834 1,710
22 Shameimaru 97.53% 28,972.39pp 140,089,761,684 7,680 5,436 932
23 YERTI 99.34% 28,657.10pp 155,738,738,526 4,033 4,801 521
24 Rakety 97.24% 28,205.66pp 56,241,466,259 621 1,597 643
25 Soruki 97.84% 28,047.21pp 52,372,750,368 1,291 2,852 1,835
26 FruktoLove 96.21% 28,044.34pp 325,790,325,482 12,604 7,959 297
27 Mniam 96.86% 27,562.26pp 51,580,150,943 2,215 2,340 1,035
28 ArMa79 98.82% 27,237.19pp 47,212,491,914 591 1,518 944
29 BoberOfDarkness 97.17% 26,870.97pp 81,312,119,666 1,558 3,546 818
30 wonderleif 97.06% 26,828.71pp 85,815,769,625 5,868 2,053 869
31 Nipah 99.59% 26,437.19pp 105,554,938,187 3,977 2,425 1,247
32 Inryoku 97.34% 26,231.57pp 27,178,809,783 601 1,101 346
33 BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.50% 26,135.76pp 232,777,592,394 12,845 3,169 2,060
34 TheFrozenGamer 98.60% 26,129.04pp 62,164,920,588 227 2,161 1,879
35 Zelepha 94.36% 25,874.45pp 85,180,688,699 266 3,038 2,233
36 MaryJane 98.09% 25,559.37pp 30,983,735,992 165 436 166
37 ti gnida 94.42% 25,441.07pp 77,288,804,694 1,101 2,338 779
38 snowflake- 97.96% 25,394.46pp 30,993,220,300 158 2,394 1,100
39 DakkyChan 97.20% 25,262.39pp 23,063,809,492 134 968 296
40 ArthurEdikovich 97.33% 24,908.35pp 39,308,461,044 698 1,456 660
41 Revi- 99.55% 24,521.42pp 119,751,270,151 1,644 5,270 1,946
42 Sleqzy 99.20% 24,232.15pp 68,414,862,887 1,592 2,453 899
43 Phob 99.10% 24,090.23pp 57,299,181,717 1,263 1,183 170
44 amni dt 97.10% 23,647.10pp 25,197,054,273 684 1,269 818
45 Ash Ketchum 96.29% 23,558.28pp 48,960,796,534 360 1,798 620
46 CyCeph 97.53% 23,513.49pp 235,302,493,917 8,013 7,117 1,272
47 vafara 96.20% 23,107.22pp 26,500,555,170 122 962 452
48 Boros 98.32% 23,076.22pp 151,032,994,426 1,044 6,743 675
49 Marvmallow 98.58% 23,041.35pp 129,755,862,499 1,521 2,798 251
50 Juansy- 96.91% 22,957.99pp 79,633,068,360 1,283 3,445 794
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