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Taiko FR Gang

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#93) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 96.10% 16,276.00pp 3,749,106,708 478 1,386 1,438
2 (#501) Chernobog 99.30% 12,266.90pp 2,180,249,940 44 549 1,159
3 (#656) Yona 97.59% 11,588.90pp 2,273,869,897 55 999 1,170
4 (#1,404) omegaflo 97.43% 9,387.41pp 2,555,605,581 50 1,822 1,005
5 (#1,420) Marec 98.16% 9,339.79pp 746,266,880 9 175 563
6 (#5,858) Lyseria 97.25% 4,805.71pp 1,161,611,146 1,356 1,545 354
7 (#6,299) [Haku] 97.81% 4,589.12pp 580,522,122 2 83 791
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