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Taiko FR Gang

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#28,073) [Haku] 98.33% 6,969.75pp 31,585,786,854 93 1,414 2,898
2 (#40,618) Marec 98.99% 6,332.16pp 9,340,336,831 36 421 807
3 (#85,885) Chernobog 98.98% 5,026.58pp 8,383,897,589 24 431 1,060
4 (#211,492) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 96.74% 3,319.60pp 1,236,592,203 36 131 365
5 (#588,621) Lyseria 96.84% 1,471.89pp 1,219,682,354 194 228 126
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