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Taiko FR Gang

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Chernobog 98.26% 28,212.35pp 13,773,246,316 132 2,472 2,406
2 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 96.36% 24,432.01pp 6,923,145,831 639 1,929 1,365
3 [Haku] 96.87% 21,479.03pp 37,876,749,166 135 3,587 3,690
4 Marec 98.67% 15,993.39pp 10,084,087,253 44 608 1,164
5 TimmyAkmed 99.16% 13,217.20pp 6,127,613,512 1,780 5,446 397
6 Yona 97.82% 12,713.80pp 2,232,828,716 52 980 873
7 omegaflo 96.78% 12,106.04pp 3,528,857,521 61 2,799 810
8 Nofool 99.12% 10,661.60pp 2,956,290,672 2,059 1,542 431
9 -Valony- 97.87% 10,549.20pp 2,011,781,618 28 815 608
10 Misieuroo 99.24% 9,728.52pp 1,479,087,874 47 727 324
11 Arrival 98.81% 9,408.46pp 1,538,266,124 46 1,104 262
12 Avratzzz 98.06% 8,352.20pp 2,819,064,267 98 1,249 1,434
13 Lyseria 98.83% 8,317.46pp 6,813,041,102 2,095 2,395 335
14 ClaquettesGucci 96.27% 1,892.50pp 1,232,184,985 103 124 37
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