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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#37,076) Playboi Carti 97.79% 6,484.93pp 7,274,522,502 12 196 631
2 (#56,946) Alter- 98.49% 5,739.83pp 9,319,689,307 74 753 1,103
3 (#81,120) ElectroYan 97.91% 5,127.29pp 20,705,717,604 109 1,024 1,813
4 (#106,568) Verald 98.98% 4,634.66pp 4,588,049,107 44 276 757
5 (#120,220) lunaboom 98.73% 4,406.69pp 8,630,680,846 60 415 1,247
6 (#143,430) shinitaichan 98.69% 4,067.93pp 78,628,763,151 2,376 8,288 7,640
7 (#161,118) Flexo123 97.29% 3,840.24pp 4,227,738,252 35 425 421
8 (#164,110) CharlisMadCut 98.42% 3,805.36pp 5,320,968,343 10 292 844
9 (#177,699) Vygatron 98.09% 3,650.95pp 1,950,234,254 10 182 494
10 (#390,266) Freek 95.85% 2,192.73pp 3,046,630,282 16 242 650
11 (#434,647) raman_s 94.67% 1,999.77pp 616,081,685 0 54 157
12 (#520,697) Adri 97.23% 1,682.97pp 852,745,972 190 202 258
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