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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#47,749) Teezel 96.89% 3,674.41pp 793,012,329 2 466 316
2 (#51,843) Komm 97.13% 3,497.14pp 1,813,240,177 0 1,633 344
3 (#63,997) Bubbleman 95.43% 3,053.17pp 289,213,503 1 132 132
4 (#73,239) Stealer-kun 97.52% 2,762.02pp 855,518,852 0 786 118
5 (#79,695) wimble 96.39% 2,587.01pp 300,477,721 0 185 126
6 (#126,950) Drpringle777 95.31% 1,692.08pp 268,268,914 0 144 157
7 (#130,083) MaypleFlower 95.88% 1,649.42pp 449,063,522 0 352 129
8 (#159,200) hlanden 94.59% 1,321.05pp 383,702,476 5 198 169
9 (#165,816) Zaspar 95.20% 1,256.94pp 195,885,016 4 133 63
10 (#224,242) Greninja 94.05% 811.63pp 137,883,288 0 27 74
11 (#269,733) BlitzNexus 93.70% 575.07pp 124,299,347 3 57 51
12 (#341,568) Clarz 91.07% 313.25pp 23,138,258 0 9 12
13 (#487,309) flubb 87.99% 69.32pp 7,038,669 0 3 1
14 (#666,896) Spoooods 81.43% 9.59pp 1,586,665 0 0 0
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