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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#717) Teezel 98.83% 11,364.90pp 2,670,841,878 277 1,685 276
2 (#4,521) Komm 99.23% 5,586.46pp 805,345,040 56 620 456
3 (#10,033) Greninja 98.32% 3,315.22pp 208,406,882 15 202 156
4 (#10,173) wimble 96.84% 3,278.68pp 119,462,296 0 27 171
5 (#13,370) NoliH 97.45% 2,618.41pp 225,090,842 15 407 216
6 (#15,462) Bubbleman 98.11% 2,288.10pp 62,643,932 3 20 107
7 (#21,804) hlanden 97.91% 1,613.22pp 28,134,208 2 64 51
8 (#23,718) BlitzNexus 97.84% 1,478.92pp 24,761,076 5 50 53
9 (#23,824) MaypleFlower 98.00% 1,469.41pp 15,649,187 9 49 16
10 (#61,465) furytail 85.50% 401.50pp 3,002,091 0 0 5
11 (#101,731) ito 87.17% 158.44pp 1,474,981 0 0 1
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