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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,613) _Shield 98.99% 5,518.76pp 506,391,431 13 141 459
2 (#6,612) GfMRT 97.53% 4,455.55pp 103,071,698 0 45 66
3 (#15,700) Flask 95.35% 2,250.52pp 75,605,702 4 37 79
4 (#19,811) EugeneRbao 93.78% 1,777.13pp 13,414,261 1 11 18
5 (#26,424) willy0214 96.04% 1,311.24pp 17,587,758 0 13 32
6 (#33,451) NekoKamui 86.47% 997.37pp 7,078,942 2 11 13
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