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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 _Shield 97.83% 24,323.89pp 321,171,110,324 876 6,684 4,068
2 GfMRT 97.05% 21,497.31pp 191,345,978,651 1,103 7,128 1,603
3 NekoKamui 96.00% 20,764.84pp 80,825,401,019 433 3,137 3,492
4 willy0214 96.99% 19,664.40pp 55,060,483,260 125 808 1,629
5 [ Zane ] 97.27% 18,113.69pp 149,529,401,688 292 3,857 3,615
6 Flask 98.37% 17,033.78pp 132,418,993,828 545 4,695 3,113
7 Shirosora 98.35% 15,742.70pp 75,628,232,627 181 2,531 3,051
8 Rizer 99.44% 14,810.90pp 369,686,990,005 4,356 12,042 2,176
9 EugeneRbao 95.94% 14,708.03pp 31,290,497,091 122 773 1,712
10 DazzLE_Wind 99.09% 13,923.70pp 156,091,189,087 580 5,615 2,469
11 [RanYakumo] 95.14% 13,451.20pp 44,679,361,783 77 739 784
12 hvick1112 95.14% 12,250.60pp 26,153,207,709 15 864 1,784
13 SakiMint 99.16% 12,190.35pp 56,569,814,508 120 1,014 1,212
14 Puyui 97.98% 12,108.30pp 54,570,403,782 76 1,452 3,497
15 CrtReXn 96.99% 12,007.53pp 95,140,808,863 185 2,620 3,555
16 SKaiBlue 97.10% 11,867.21pp 100,615,798,321 248 3,538 475
17 Garch 97.11% 11,085.40pp 77,548,394,926 33 2,906 4,141
18 Koalazy 98.10% 9,733.09pp 64,354,332,740 382 2,822 1,280
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