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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 _Shield 97.80% 24,943.85pp 318,952,998,887 880 6,698 3,758
2 superCreper 97.74% 22,608.43pp 60,247,081,152 1,221 6,970 2,035
3 GfMRT 97.00% 22,193.11pp 190,186,885,563 1,110 7,163 1,381
4 NekoKamui 96.32% 20,461.75pp 79,083,990,522 441 3,249 2,966
5 willy0214 93.10% 18,639.90pp 51,835,692,516 118 718 1,373
6 [ Zane ] 97.30% 18,252.26pp 146,542,621,001 292 4,001 3,141
7 Flask 98.27% 17,322.21pp 130,230,045,241 532 4,778 2,631
8 Rizer 99.67% 17,306.28pp 367,854,516,087 4,825 12,139 1,985
9 EugeneRbao 96.81% 17,213.13pp 30,154,289,173 141 960 1,439
10 Shirosora 95.99% 15,602.65pp 73,038,511,449 161 2,497 2,553
11 975250450 98.00% 15,523.40pp 31,163,219,960 14 691 1,039
12 DazzLE_Wind 99.05% 14,154.80pp 152,739,285,974 569 5,660 2,148
13 Puyui 95.95% 13,849.58pp 54,215,940,468 77 1,579 2,923
14 [RanYakumo] 95.12% 13,374.85pp 43,574,764,851 75 723 673
15 SakiMint 94.41% 12,402.14pp 55,704,416,711 118 1,031 1,057
16 hvick1112 94.98% 12,335.30pp 26,100,351,579 15 1,049 1,159
17 SKaiBlue 95.17% 12,322.57pp 99,864,573,915 250 3,591 418
18 CrtReXn 97.03% 11,996.20pp 94,332,035,485 187 2,667 3,143
19 Garch 97.24% 11,106.40pp 77,445,891,447 32 3,273 2,818
20 rrtyui 98.76% 9,920.01pp 25,383,956,572 312 1,235 681
21 Koalazy 98.13% 9,902.31pp 63,210,288,600 383 2,893 1,031
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