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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 _Shield 97.83% 24,322.83pp 319,172,409,720 880 6,702 3,767
2 GfMRT 97.05% 21,497.31pp 191,042,483,537 1,111 7,196 1,398
3 NekoKamui 96.00% 20,764.84pp 80,568,272,345 448 3,275 2,980
4 willy0214 96.99% 19,641.20pp 54,500,626,434 126 819 1,440
5 [ Zane ] 97.27% 18,109.69pp 149,472,062,286 293 4,023 3,175
6 Flask 98.37% 17,033.78pp 132,276,597,894 538 4,846 2,657
7 Shirosora 98.34% 15,727.00pp 75,261,652,818 178 2,595 2,641
8 Rizer 99.43% 14,747.30pp 367,211,943,881 4,324 12,097 1,997
9 EugeneRbao 95.94% 14,708.03pp 31,241,142,286 122 779 1,477
10 DazzLE_Wind 99.10% 13,921.10pp 155,258,167,164 575 5,728 2,169
11 [RanYakumo] 95.14% 13,451.20pp 44,510,788,168 78 746 687
12 hvick1112 95.14% 12,250.60pp 26,153,207,709 15 1,051 1,159
13 SakiMint 99.15% 12,180.35pp 56,428,979,468 119 1,037 1,088
14 Puyui 97.98% 12,108.30pp 54,497,073,604 76 1,520 2,879
15 CrtReXn 97.00% 11,980.33pp 94,938,675,409 187 2,674 3,156
16 SKaiBlue 97.10% 11,867.21pp 100,381,987,069 249 3,589 412
17 Garch 97.11% 11,085.40pp 77,548,394,926 32 3,277 2,825
18 Koalazy 98.10% 9,732.98pp 63,859,793,924 383 2,896 1,043
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