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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 sd enjoyer 96.34% 40,496.50pp 50,482,088,231 1,627 2,675 1,914
2 Captain 98.14% 37,598.76pp 146,564,220,433 1,615 4,901 2,177
3 Groex 97.63% 36,105.16pp 156,793,979,155 2,061 4,317 1,641
4 Haadez 97.46% 32,861.12pp 175,438,706,158 28,147 5,918 7,179
5 Setomi 97.88% 32,095.54pp 86,174,528,204 792 2,673 1,783
6 Veeti 97.57% 31,193.85pp 309,636,245,271 10,114 5,275 1,120
7 -Kaguya 97.82% 30,988.06pp 57,034,531,945 434 1,170 454
8 Lemmie 98.27% 30,826.15pp 8,910,251,762 190 2,790 1,706
9 Leinou 96.98% 29,925.47pp 228,515,414,743 6,569 9,125 3,787
10 Mazzuli500 96.70% 29,507.56pp 8,063,672,916 64 2,611 2,670
11 Zoel 97.15% 29,301.34pp 56,270,335,137 1,017 4,886 3,344
12 Shameimaru 97.53% 28,972.39pp 140,089,761,684 7,680 5,436 932
13 NINERIK 97.37% 28,707.20pp 55,563,304,043 283 1,334 1,446
14 YERTI 99.34% 28,657.10pp 155,738,738,526 4,033 4,801 521
15 Amanda 97.01% 26,523.24pp 47,643,049,869 84 3,254 4,056
16 GamersDecision 97.61% 25,164.28pp 22,908,580,379 3,585 9,520 1,122
17 Maffe 96.89% 24,436.30pp 34,450,291,479 102 2,244 2,314
18 Ash Ketchum 96.29% 23,558.28pp 48,960,796,534 360 1,798 620
19 CyCeph 97.53% 23,513.49pp 235,302,493,917 8,013 7,117 1,272
20 BFKB113PBK 96.84% 22,902.29pp 2,815,609,670 58 712 1,145
21 Hennytai 97.90% 22,806.63pp 10,828,677,328 25 1,708 1,562
22 Nurend 97.62% 22,734.25pp 4,526,508,149 312 1,741 902
23 EclipZ 97.37% 22,549.83pp 21,263,253,082 121 1,486 2,155
24 Fjell 98.19% 22,480.97pp 83,504,398,626 151 1,792 2,955
25 scylla 95.00% 22,298.06pp 73,551,288,462 425 2,216 2,168
26 Crustbell 97.94% 22,284.99pp 29,577,445,362 467 6,030 3,493
27 Huukkeli 96.86% 22,246.66pp 48,355,641,357 308 8,337 3,103
28 RasmusCactus 97.65% 22,221.91pp 40,714,568,828 602 3,438 4,219
29 manok 97.83% 21,798.51pp 86,091,454,529 1,695 5,574 955
30 Crazzeh 97.32% 21,558.68pp 11,265,318,223 140 4,974 1,145
31 shdewz 97.74% 20,767.74pp 48,068,800,693 643 1,560 1,758
32 Aceon 96.49% 20,630.65pp 117,591,620,967 1,895 3,129 2,149
33 Benita 97.49% 20,482.99pp 48,913,455,339 503 3,663 1,289
34 Jageko 96.74% 20,058.78pp 86,634,433,090 461 3,491 3,875
35 Paku- 97.34% 19,889.63pp 188,356,742,262 12,531 5,049 878
36 Andros 93.81% 19,785.45pp 58,769,954,825 41 934 1,395
37 Couil 97.59% 19,781.45pp 20,487,111,306 49 2,653 2,736
38 Emilly 98.02% 19,581.93pp 147,712,932,526 6,704 10,657 9,976
39 Azeidith 96.87% 19,518.06pp 30,317,880,465 165 1,608 1,357
40 1794766 97.95% 19,504.77pp 174,583,894,713 8,417 9,298 1,718
41 xbox dog 97.19% 19,454.63pp 154,865,695,799 4,595 3,952 2,746
42 Raphalge 98.92% 19,439.40pp 9,552,623,001 229 1,537 3,017
43 salchow 96.54% 19,304.80pp 19,842,243,047 112 1,138 780
44 vodnanen 98.97% 19,273.23pp 20,443,206,762 924 3,516 2,050
45 A]] 95.61% 19,117.87pp 41,662,896,922 49 709 1,834
46 Zpinxx 97.10% 18,928.94pp 156,483,594,152 255 3,342 7,583
47 NamesAreRubbish 96.43% 18,827.60pp 21,412,413,070 40 2,270 3,306
48 Reedkatt 97.17% 18,784.42pp 147,896,937,198 346 4,245 3,634
49 Mills 97.73% 18,686.22pp 5,263,400,651 187 1,793 1,670
50 Stoom 95.00% 18,547.19pp 3,075,015,187 18 2,083 1,022
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