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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 sd enjoyer 96.34% 40,159.44pp 49,601,396,818 1,601 2,751 1,556
2 Captain 98.14% 37,598.76pp 146,411,780,703 1,627 4,943 1,871
3 Groex 97.63% 36,095.58pp 156,430,898,544 2,086 4,392 1,300
4 Haadez 97.44% 32,671.70pp 174,912,759,893 28,958 5,152 5,996
5 Setomi 97.88% 32,064.24pp 84,724,244,610 796 2,711 1,433
6 Veeti 97.57% 31,027.86pp 304,130,994,725 9,967 5,167 967
7 -Kaguya 97.82% 30,953.06pp 56,962,557,699 451 1,152 430
8 Lemmie 98.29% 30,729.15pp 8,893,349,981 1,191 1,849 1,375
9 Leinou 96.98% 29,923.17pp 226,931,549,744 6,688 9,106 3,278
10 Mazzuli500 96.70% 29,507.56pp 8,062,690,976 163 2,678 2,023
11 Zoel 97.15% 29,301.33pp 56,257,259,853 1,123 4,919 2,674
12 Shameimaru 97.56% 28,952.18pp 138,562,742,869 7,584 5,336 750
13 NINERIK 97.37% 28,696.70pp 55,264,635,376 286 1,345 1,340
14 YERTI 99.34% 28,643.60pp 154,907,336,378 4,037 4,787 512
15 Amanda 97.01% 26,523.24pp 47,641,020,605 88 3,500 3,014
16 GamersDecision 97.61% 25,164.18pp 22,803,895,341 3,580 9,510 871
17 Maffe 96.89% 24,178.40pp 34,441,526,429 106 2,394 1,939
18 Ash Ketchum 96.29% 23,558.28pp 48,960,796,534 369 1,818 557
19 CyCeph 97.52% 23,511.15pp 234,400,285,396 8,052 7,110 1,063
20 BFKB113PBK 96.84% 22,902.29pp 2,815,609,670 60 743 965
21 Hennytai 97.90% 22,806.13pp 10,826,853,062 54 1,777 1,266
22 Nurend 97.62% 22,734.25pp 4,526,508,149 315 1,757 601
23 EclipZ 97.37% 22,549.83pp 21,261,162,498 121 1,598 1,650
24 Fjell 98.19% 22,480.97pp 83,504,398,626 150 1,822 2,627
25 scylla 95.00% 22,298.06pp 73,380,250,702 430 2,254 1,914
26 RasmusCactus 97.62% 22,206.61pp 40,703,064,219 701 3,443 3,596
27 Crustbell 97.86% 21,837.14pp 29,312,780,084 1,165 5,403 3,112
28 manok 97.83% 21,798.48pp 85,172,064,215 1,701 5,575 750
29 Crazzeh 97.32% 21,543.18pp 11,180,236,801 1,376 3,862 872
30 Huukkeli 96.84% 21,538.26pp 48,188,088,872 1,770 7,132 2,390
31 shdewz 97.74% 20,767.74pp 48,062,719,460 650 1,594 1,606
32 Aceon 96.49% 20,630.55pp 116,631,310,865 1,897 3,179 1,617
33 Benita 97.49% 20,482.99pp 48,913,455,339 530 3,709 1,047
34 Jageko 96.74% 20,034.88pp 86,424,207,858 457 3,597 3,360
35 Paku- 97.34% 19,889.63pp 188,125,672,368 12,838 4,836 725
36 Couil 97.59% 19,781.45pp 20,282,271,761 286 2,540 2,072
37 Andros 93.81% 19,774.25pp 58,562,533,551 42 976 1,195
38 Emilly 98.02% 19,581.93pp 147,681,401,172 6,671 10,717 8,594
39 Azeidith 96.87% 19,518.06pp 30,307,142,603 165 1,651 1,140
40 1794766 97.95% 19,504.77pp 174,583,894,713 8,836 8,963 1,458
41 xbox dog 97.19% 19,454.35pp 151,405,020,577 4,426 3,944 2,462
42 Raphalge 98.92% 19,439.40pp 9,552,623,001 230 1,548 2,343
43 salchow 96.54% 19,304.35pp 19,798,831,357 115 1,179 604
44 vodnanen 98.97% 19,273.23pp 20,443,206,762 928 3,565 1,692
45 A]] 95.68% 18,972.21pp 41,175,000,811 49 735 1,577
46 Zpinxx 97.10% 18,928.94pp 156,275,819,430 255 3,390 7,334
47 NamesAreRubbish 96.43% 18,827.60pp 21,412,413,070 95 2,393 2,676
48 Mills 97.73% 18,686.22pp 5,263,400,651 187 1,860 1,395
49 Stoom 94.99% 18,541.30pp 3,054,560,542 169 2,123 756
50 petterde 97.09% 18,457.75pp 3,428,728,334 73 1,527 789
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