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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#316) R1ght4 98.49% 13,552.80pp 1,261,417,976 6 196 525
2 (#4,335) Chatie 99.16% 5,711.01pp 971,166,982 61 783 758
3 (#7,888) woodpamp 98.16% 3,954.00pp 198,565,716 3 303 154
4 (#8,119) Mierf 98.58% 3,884.33pp 383,320,796 3 138 623
5 (#15,751) DeathByDarwin 95.84% 2,246.18pp 218,334,722 27 261 363
6 (#16,639) Akachi 90.66% 2,121.24pp 49,183,138 2 8 55
7 (#37,426) Windows Me 94.24% 864.26pp 13,656,927 5 31 26
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