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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Tyronix 97.42% 43,092.06pp 12,977,514,026 460 3,500 2,797
2 Chatie 97.84% 31,887.45pp 84,482,776,119 2,552 5,027 2,595
3 woodpamp 97.70% 24,646.96pp 38,227,560,518 1,101 2,807 1,011
4 R1ght4 96.44% 23,301.68pp 3,458,077,074 13 494 778
5 Mierf 97.66% 16,864.21pp 8,318,004,659 539 3,314 1,282
6 Ahmnesia 96.79% 13,922.13pp 48,472,888,009 113 1,722 2,052
7 Akachi 95.70% 11,991.20pp 23,096,183,604 503 2,138 3,000
8 DeathByDarwin 96.27% 11,149.71pp 54,157,137,774 1,763 8,039 4,736
9 Theoseo 94.26% 8,844.12pp 14,239,031,454 3 621 1,031
10 Prey 96.77% 7,457.62pp 1,006,680,000 20 721 341
11 Windows Me 94.74% 6,468.07pp 3,613,842,618 1,408 1,714 514
12 GrilledCheeese 97.32% 6,460.13pp 105,652,793,923 46,505 58,765 2,297
13 rmcsls 96.43% 3,256.21pp 1,152,173,990 431 719 47
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