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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#124) Meiju 96.57% 17,017.00pp 3,542,417,587 8 3,447 226
2 (#962) Flexo123 96.37% 12,104.80pp 2,399,241,459 0 2,243 328
3 (#3,459) Rygamine 96.64% 9,492.12pp 1,551,128,666 0 1,362 293
4 (#7,173) MrGoose 96.76% 7,938.88pp 1,048,648,045 0 915 265
5 (#7,255) Undead 96.69% 7,920.00pp 1,509,369,063 2 1,242 395
6 (#7,946) Morbon 96.47% 7,721.10pp 495,973,437 0 436 107
7 (#11,332) OneRing 96.48% 6,884.41pp 2,608,035,232 1 2,173 511
8 (#12,647) Route 174 95.15% 6,605.43pp 1,100,462,521 0 639 449
9 (#19,128) Lacrima 95.55% 5,619.96pp 805,403,223 0 446 320
10 (#19,181) Lamey 95.69% 5,614.23pp 1,237,287,915 0 1,160 153
11 (#30,882) Nozdormu 95.95% 4,578.84pp 659,558,237 0 550 157
12 (#36,305) Nelly 96.93% 4,247.40pp 782,968,453 0 770 92
13 (#68,899) [ Mobi ] 93.88% 2,894.15pp 510,224,112 0 222 277
14 (#76,704) talala 92.10% 2,668.52pp 93,639,701 0 22 65
15 (#106,206) cillia 95.38% 2,009.81pp 312,115,483 0 257 74
16 (#190,309) ThankYou 96.04% 1,042.13pp 486,663,586 0 357 152
17 (#195,995) Red_Pixel 93.54% 1,001.67pp 89,209,515 0 48 37
18 (#234,665) KitsunIvy 97.59% 751.59pp 124,578,671 14 88 25
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