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Soviet Union Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#31) _Insomnia 99.81% 19,973.90pp 16,547,155,110 104 256 28
2 (#67) Nelly 99.93% 18,017.30pp 186,621,152,614 6,085 3,123 114
3 (#72) KitsunIvy 99.97% 17,758.30pp 52,549,183,592 2,522 373 0
4 (#205) skvix 99.78% 14,558.60pp 25,104,811,450 444 727 76
5 (#295) VagaNNN 99.84% 13,046.80pp 70,291,081,548 1,301 2,633 83
6 (#587) Lacrima 99.77% 10,229.50pp 10,986,402,366 186 575 258
7 (#896) [ Mobi ] 99.60% 8,393.45pp 16,956,708,085 653 1,165 205
8 (#1,291) Gordon123 99.19% 7,049.90pp 43,835,981,338 1,425 2,898 253
9 (#1,473) ThankYou 99.76% 6,512.81pp 28,617,526,889 1,415 1,657 187
10 (#1,489) Meiju 99.66% 6,492.35pp 6,853,085,095 108 506 103
11 (#1,597) jekasa 99.34% 6,226.58pp 61,323,149,670 1,535 4,264 261
12 (#2,395) Nozdormu 99.55% 4,713.07pp 4,003,506,516 61 489 106
13 (#6,726) Undead 98.91% 2,201.06pp 1,174,280,440 31 357 184
14 (#11,519) Flexo123 100.00% 1,393.98pp 614,095,693 443 0 0
15 (#14,353) OneRing 98.89% 1,112.43pp 433,016,300 11 182 135
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