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Soviet Union Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#550) XEPCOH 98.74% 12,036.20pp 5,427,928,060 26 1,547 2,422
2 (#1,010) Nozdormu 98.13% 10,506.40pp 6,300,874,329 568 7,678 872
3 (#2,435) Gordon123 98.93% 7,518.00pp 1,134,751,226 66 922 416
4 (#2,798) Lamey 95.85% 7,072.29pp 928,374,279 13 353 548
5 (#4,561) Flexo123 95.46% 5,554.94pp 405,639,940 6 162 248
6 (#4,762) cillia 97.90% 5,416.21pp 324,989,098 6 198 232
7 (#5,807) Lacrima 95.32% 4,825.29pp 233,233,441 2 35 211
8 (#8,111) Undead 97.59% 3,884.75pp 260,559,422 34 316 228
9 (#8,792) Nelly 98.19% 3,671.62pp 77,868,375 9 127 57
10 (#14,059) Meiju 96.99% 2,500.02pp 130,732,857 0 102 182
11 (#14,609) KitsunIvy 98.66% 2,415.05pp 78,521,244 35 145 84
12 (#38,058) skvix 94.57% 846.88pp 4,206,108 1 8 5
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