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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#182) Alumetri 97.47% 16,411.20pp 26,283,013,415 60 853 1,002
2 (#208) SadnessWillSear 99.59% 16,148.00pp 149,244,389,640 224 2,791 2,958
3 (#229) Vudek 98.41% 15,901.20pp 18,264,742,627 52 899 1,591
4 (#309) AxewB 98.81% 15,344.90pp 68,740,647,358 77 1,373 1,631
5 (#353) Red_Pixel 99.01% 15,050.30pp 61,010,307,362 62 1,212 2,021
6 (#749) Ayla 98.77% 13,534.30pp 23,965,310,071 30 560 1,628
7 (#833) talala 98.71% 13,339.50pp 94,187,850,086 181 2,998 3,382
8 (#1,746) _index 98.78% 11,930.60pp 58,177,367,582 499 1,984 1,105
9 (#2,694) follon 98.89% 11,153.90pp 41,077,269,355 277 1,139 1,332
10 (#4,982) TemaZpro 100.00% 10,041.80pp 92,008,488,198 7,584 1 1
11 (#6,954) KortezR 99.17% 9,418.91pp 40,686,856,426 172 1,205 1,666
12 (#16,823) MrGoose 97.70% 7,850.37pp 12,992,707,887 271 811 1,824
13 (#16,844) Morbon 98.82% 7,847.03pp 30,824,797,976 229 2,004 1,386
14 (#25,857) OneRing 98.58% 7,106.17pp 32,958,763,648 590 2,606 3,588
15 (#26,904) Aka 99.15% 7,042.06pp 33,410,459,266 310 1,777 1,516
16 (#28,151) cillia 98.72% 6,963.87pp 12,662,333,768 23 411 1,027
17 (#32,244) XEPCOH 98.94% 6,728.31pp 22,551,659,669 121 1,641 896
18 (#33,680) Undead 98.13% 6,650.88pp 9,601,092,341 203 793 1,210
19 (#42,851) Rygamine 98.25% 6,235.10pp 14,586,432,171 6 516 1,271
20 (#62,250) Route 174 96.65% 5,585.61pp 6,301,404,466 15 246 628
21 (#67,053) ThankYou 98.41% 5,456.94pp 30,145,697,159 59 1,149 2,055
22 (#68,832) YaLTeR 99.17% 5,414.73pp 7,145,237,505 117 212 520
23 (#91,949) Nozdormu 98.07% 4,905.75pp 4,797,572,504 60 328 438
24 (#109,847) Nelly 99.01% 4,578.89pp 11,720,590,479 96 1,212 984
25 (#130,280) skvix 99.10% 4,254.52pp 1,185,387,512 30 157 100
26 (#140,235) Meiju 97.21% 4,111.13pp 9,408,787,713 14 349 1,139
27 (#147,036) Lacrima 97.59% 4,016.85pp 3,309,735,955 59 181 668
28 (#161,118) Flexo123 97.29% 3,840.24pp 4,227,738,252 35 425 421
29 (#178,691) VagaNNN 97.81% 3,640.40pp 4,213,740,400 84 744 505
30 (#244,082) Gordon123 98.50% 3,048.29pp 2,306,415,661 232 291 285
31 (#321,609) [ Mobi ] 97.19% 2,541.19pp 1,397,002,427 75 339 411
32 (#677,477) jekasa 95.08% 1,233.35pp 1,456,272,509 41 276 369
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