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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Nelly 98.10% 30,515.21pp 199,197,786,144 6,190 5,231 1,247
2 Meiju 97.47% 30,120.50pp 19,935,023,252 130 4,404 1,650
3 Nozdormu 97.39% 24,704.06pp 15,761,511,586 689 9,045 1,573
4 Lacrima 96.83% 24,691.60pp 15,334,774,985 247 1,237 1,457
5 Flexo123 97.28% 22,893.96pp 7,646,715,344 484 2,830 997
6 KitsunIvy 98.45% 20,924.94pp 52,752,283,507 2,557 620 109
7 Undead 97.54% 20,656.69pp 12,545,301,266 270 2,708 2,017
8 _Insomnia 99.81% 19,973.90pp 16,547,155,110 104 256 28
9 skvix 98.31% 19,660.00pp 26,294,405,070 475 892 181
10 XEPCOH 98.84% 18,764.51pp 27,979,587,729 147 3,188 3,318
11 Gordon123 98.95% 17,616.19pp 47,277,148,225 1,723 4,111 954
12 VagaNNN 98.83% 16,687.30pp 74,482,845,196 1,385 3,375 588
13 Alumetri 97.47% 16,411.20pp 26,283,013,415 60 853 1,002
14 SadnessWillSear 99.59% 16,148.00pp 149,244,389,640 224 2,791 2,958
15 Red_Pixel 96.28% 16,051.97pp 61,012,723,744 62 1,259 2,055
16 talala 95.41% 16,007.02pp 94,075,259,025 181 3,008 3,446
17 Vudek 90.05% 15,901.20pp 18,292,370,382 52 908 1,593
18 MrGoose 97.23% 15,789.25pp 14,041,355,932 271 1,726 2,089
19 Rygamine 97.44% 15,727.22pp 16,137,560,837 6 1,878 1,564
20 Morbon 97.65% 15,568.13pp 31,320,771,413 229 2,440 1,493
21 AxewB 98.81% 15,344.90pp 68,740,647,358 77 1,373 1,631
22 OneRing 97.60% 15,103.01pp 35,999,815,180 602 4,961 4,234
23 cillia 96.84% 14,389.89pp 13,299,438,349 29 866 1,333
24 [ Mobi ] 96.14% 13,828.79pp 18,863,934,624 728 1,726 893
25 Ayla 98.78% 13,509.30pp 23,952,578,540 30 560 1,627
26 ThankYou 97.56% 13,011.88pp 59,249,887,634 1,474 3,163 2,394
27 Lamey 95.77% 12,686.52pp 2,165,662,194 13 1,513 701
28 Route 174 95.90% 12,191.04pp 7,401,866,987 15 885 1,077
29 _index 98.78% 11,930.60pp 58,177,367,582 499 1,984 1,105
30 follon 98.89% 11,153.90pp 41,077,269,355 277 1,139 1,332
31 TemaZpro 100.00% 10,041.80pp 92,008,488,198 7,584 1 1
32 KortezR 99.17% 9,418.91pp 40,686,856,426 172 1,205 1,666
33 jekasa 97.21% 7,459.93pp 62,779,422,179 1,576 4,540 630
34 Aka 99.15% 7,042.06pp 33,410,459,266 310 1,777 1,516
35 YaLTeR 99.17% 5,414.73pp 7,145,237,505 117 212 520
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