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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,142) Pein 99.29% 12,779.10pp 118,859,328,836 987 3,454 2,859
2 (#7,834) [ Bimbo ] 98.93% 9,188.95pp 40,005,637,883 71 543 1,671
3 (#22,680) -Abby- 99.14% 7,326.63pp 52,064,302,595 3,403 2,682 1,793
4 (#118,919) ZALUK 98.18% 4,426.72pp 6,647,685,822 22 320 978
5 (#368,564) TuMamaXLasDudas 98.13% 2,293.89pp 1,073,200,456 22 123 392
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